Considering new endeavors IN 2024

I’m a professional administrator with experience in project planning, financial oversight, grant management, virtual learning, marketing and systems development. My HIGH5 strengths are Deliverer, Problem Solver, Strategist, Philomath, Catalyst

I thrive at establishing best practices by diagnosing problems and coming up with solutions. I follow through on my commitments and appreciate seeing how this accountability builds trust and respect among others. My urge for action complements my ability to see the big picture; connecting the dots comes naturally to me. I am a quick study and enjoy ramping productivity by teaching others.



College of Biological Sciences Diversity Community of Practice Committee Member, 2021 - current

Dept. of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Member, 2020 - current

University of Minnesota Master Gardener (Ramsey County cohort)


John S. Anderson Leadership Award - College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota, 2021

I hold Kit and John in the highest esteem for their contributions to CBS and the University of Minnesota. I have seen every one of the personal characteristics that John exemplifies in Kit’s service to the U - fairness, integrity, honesty, forthrightness, openness and inclusiveness, and always with enthusiasm and focus to accomplish the most difficult tasks.” - Dr. Dan Voytas


University of Minnesota College of Continuing and Professional Development Project Management Certification

State of Minnesota Notary public

MFA in Contemporary Art. 2011. University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

BFA in Expanded Media Studies. 2008. University of Kansas, United States.